
Contributing to dinosar is welcome and encouraged! Please collaborate directly on GitHub:

Code conventions

dinosar is designed to work with Python >3.6. As an open source project we encourage contributions. The information below will help get started, but for more information related to standard github workflows read through the excellent step-by-step contribution guide for the xarray project (

Code formatting is done with Black. Documentation uses Sphinx with Restructured Text format (RST). Docstrings use Numpy format. Tests are mandatory for new features and run via Pytest.

Installing development version

Dependency management and Python package creation is done with Poetry, and pre-commit runs formatting checks automatically with each git commit. To setup a local development environment, first create a virtual environment with _Conda. We also use conda to install geospatial libraries from conda-forge because they often have complicated dependencies on legacy system libraries:

git clone
cd dinosar
conda env create -f environment-poetry.yml
conda activate dinosar-dev
poetry install -E "vis docs"
poetry run pre-commit install

Run tests

Run tests locally with pre-commit and pytest:

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
poetry run pytest -o markers=network --cov=dinosar --cov-report=xml
poetry run pytest -o markers=network -m "not network"  #skip tests requiring internet access

Preview documentation

If you edit documentation (including docstrings in code), preview locally with sphinx:

cd docs
make api
make html
open _build/html/index.html

Releasing new versions

This repository is setup with GitHub Actions CI/CD, so pushing a tag to the master branch uploads a new release to PyPi:

# ** Be sure to bump version string in pyproject.toml **
git tag $VERSION ; git push --tags